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Training leaders
to become
Experience Designers.

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Individual Leadership Experience

This once-in-a-lifetime leadership training experience combines DTE’s proprietary ELVIS Experience Design Leadership system with the incredible Zero-G experience. 

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Prices Starting at $14,000 (+ tax) Per Person

Includes 12 hours of online and in-person leadership training services and materials, 15 flight parabolas, flight day hotel and meals, flight suits (yours to keep!), champaign Re-Gravitation Celebration, ELVIS Leadership training completion certificate and flight badge, photos and video of your team’s experiences. 

Who is it for?

Designed for individual leaders to experience without their teams, but with people from other organizations.  We take you through the ELVIS Experience Design Leadership Framework and the psychology of transformative experience design using Zero-G as our real-world exemplar experience.  The emphasis here is on individual growth and skill-building.  This includes preparing for, and experiencing a Zero-G flight, translating the experience into meaningful portable skills, and designing the ways you will apply this training to your own leadership journey.  Base program includes 12 hybrid contact hours over 1 to 2 weeks, with 2 days in-person (inclusive of flight day).

Program facilitator and leadership expert Dr. Brad McLain brings numerous activities, examples, stories, and videos from his work at NASA on the Space Shuttle program and with astronaut training programs, his extensive work with Jane Goodall, his leadership book, Designing Transformative Experiences, and from his numerous other transformative experiences.  The training will also include a healthy dose of the history, science, physics, and physiology of reduced gravity parabolic flights in combination with the ELVIS Leadership Framework and Toolkit.

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